The Guest List with Steve Guest
Let’s prove the doubters wrong & let’s do it together – if you are someone that wants to show what you are made of, despite the rejection, despite the ridicule or your own fear holding you back then, you are in good company.
Alternatively… if YOU are happy being comfortable, constantly sat in safe mode plodding along then this isn’t the place for you…
If you want to ‘set the trend’, free the shackles, rise above the rest and outperform the competition – if you want to set a trail of success & high performance & smash through your goals then stick around as this will an incredible journey.
If you are still here, then you are clearly seeking more from your journey through life
You already know you have greater potential and a much bigger calling & simply need to spend as much of your time around the right people – you know, those individuals that motivate, inspire, empower and challenge…
That is why this podcast was created.